Next week on my blog we'll be conducting an experiment.
A husband experiment.
I often hear my husband say he could use more love, more attention, more respect, more of me and my time. I doubt he's the only guy out there looking for more!
Now, the selfish side of me, immediately thinks, "what about me?" or "if he just helped me with this and that, I'd be more than willing and happy to give him "more".
But that's a different blog post. :)
Today (well, Monday actually) we are going to fight those selfish tendencies and put our husband's first by utilizing Kathi Lipp's mini Husband Project--five days of loving our men on purpose.
Monday through Friday I will post one of Kathi's assignments. Those of you that want to participate in this experiment with me, can do the homework too. If you feel like sharing about how the project is working for you, please do so in the comments. (Be careful not to post anything that's too personal or that might embarrass your spouse!)
Here's Kathi's blurb from her awesome book:
Do you feel like your marriage has gone from "I
do" to "What did I do?" Recapture the romance that made you and
your husband fall in love in the first place. The Husband Project provides 21
days of fun activities to show love and honor to your husband. Kathi Lipp will help you discover:
- Proven ways to return fun and flirting to your marriage.
- Inner assurance to meet your husband’s unspoken emotional
- Increased confidence when it comes to meeting your husbands
sexual needs.
- New levels of warmth and tenderness in your relationship.
- A deeper sense of security with your husband.
- A greater ability to boost your husband’s belief in himself.

Kathi Lipp helps women renovate their life with projects for
the soul. She is a national speaker and author who inspires thousands each year
to take beneficial action steps in their personal, marital, and spiritual
lives. Her wit and wisdom will give you new ways to:
- Avoid settling for less than God’s loving plan for your
- Develop new levels of warmth and tenderness with your
- Return fun and flirting to your marriage.
- Boost your confidence to follow God-given dreams and goals.
- Create an environment of encouragement in your friendships
Kathi is the author of The Husband Project: 21 Days to
Loving Your Man on Purpose and with a Plan and The Marriage Project: 21 Days to
Reigniting Your Relationship (coming Fall, 2009). In addition, her articles
have appeared in Today’s Christian Woman, Bay Area Parent, Focus on the Family,
Discipleship Journal, and Christian Parenting Today.
Church leaders and women’s ministry directors rely on Kathi
to help women move from living out of obligation to enjoying godly passion. She
shares her cheerful humor and biblical insights over 45 times a year at
conferences and retreats.
Kathi and her husband, Roger, are parents of four teenagers
and live in San Jose, California. They are members of Church on the Hill where
Roger is the programming director of the worship arts ministry.
Renovate your life with a project for your soul!
I hope you'll participate with me! I'm really looking forward to using Kathi's great ideas to put even more fun and romance into my marriage!
What do you think? Are you up for some homework next week? Does your hubby want more of your time and mine does? :)