Marriage is hard.
You've probably heard me say something along those lines before. Not to whine. But because it's true! Anyone that says differently is straight up lying! :)
This April, my husband and I will celebrate 8 years of marriage. I often wonder though...if we were able to count up all the good days and all the bad days, would the good days outnumber the yucky ones? I hope so!
Chris and I are what I'd call a typical couple. We fight about money, sex, in-laws, parenting...all the biggies.
But we also have a crazy side that creates arguments when we don't need them, because we have very silly, competitive personalities. I mean ridiculous, silly, like...who can beat the level the fastest on my six year old's Sonic race game. Ridiculous like...who is correct about penguins. Do they have wings or flippers?
Crazy stuff people! Things that shouldn't matter! (In our defense, this silly side also provides us with an abundance of fall-on-the-floor-pee-my-pants-I'm-laughing-so-hard moments too.)
Nevertheless, we have been struggling lately in our communication and with the prompting of both of our families decided to try marriage counseling. We drug our feet because the idea of sitting on a couch and telling our deepest secrets to a complete stranger just doesn't feel comfortable somehow. Call me crazy, but not my idea of a good time.
But we went. And it was awkward at first. And I cried and I HATE to cry! But it was also really, really good! I left feeling like I was fighting for our relationship. Fighting to find solutions in areas where we need improvement. And that fighting-feeling is much better than muddling through day by day on our own.
Especially considering these jaw-dropping statistics about marriage.
- 49% of marriages end up in divorce
- First marriages end up in divorce around/just under the 8 year mark
- 60% of divorces involve people ages 25-39
I pray every day that we won't be part of those statistics. I pray that you won't either. But the other half of avoiding those numbers is work. Do the work! (My new favorite life saying...for marriage, writing, anything!)
So share with me: Does marriage sometimes feel difficult to you too? How do you fight/work for your marriage? Have you or would you ever try counseling? And for crying out loud, wings or flippers people??