There are never enough hours in the day. I always seem to feel this way. When you combine my daily tasks (cleaning, laundry, cooking, errands, and chasing, feeding, disciplining and playing with three kids) with my need to accomplish personal goals, it can be a recipe for disaster. I often ask myself (at around 4:00 in the afternoon, "Where did the day go?)
I've had three goals that I always wanted to complete before my 30th birthday (which leaves me a little over one year).
Goal 1 - Be finished with my "baby" years. I always wanted to have three or four kids. Now that I have my three, I've decided I could go on indefinitely if given the choice. The design of bringing a baby into this world never ceases to amaze me and the emotional bond between baby and mommy is one of the purest forms of love I have ever experienced. Having said that, Chris (my hubby) is quite sure he's done having children...which I suppose makes my decision to be "done" very easy.
The main reason this goal was so important to me is because Chris and I love to travel. The list of places we'd like to see together could fill 100 books easily. We'd like to be relatively young when we get the opportunity to explore the world (not that I'm particularly excited about having an empty any time of life). More importantly, we want to see our grandchildren grow up and have their own families. I feel like I couldn't have accomplished this particular goal any better than I already did.
Goal 2 - Run a marathon. This thought has always bounced around in my head. I'm not hugely excited about running, probably because I hate to sweat but I am determined to check this off my list before next September. In order to do that, I have a lot (A LOT!!!) of training to do. I've never been a very dedicated exerciser, however I love a freshly baked, gooey brownie so I realize that my need for exercise will only increase as I get older and my metabolism slows down (which I have already begun to notice. Poor me!).
About three months ago I registered to run a half marathon in La Jolla, CA in April of 2011. This will be my practice/trial for the full marathon which I have yet to register for. (Let's see how I do on this one first, shall we?) My main goal in April is to NOT be the last runner to cross the finish line. How deflating to have a truck slowly following behind you, picking up the bright orange safety cones as you gradually pass each one. Lord, don't let this be me!
Goal 3 - To have a wonderfully creative piece of Christian fiction published. Okay, so I'm currently working the hardest on this specific goal. However, I fear I waited to long to begin the process so this goal will have to be amended slightly. Maybe my book won't be on the shelves by the time I hit 30 but let's shoot for a contract at least! If God opens doors sooner than that I'd be over the moon.
Do any of you have any personal goals in which you have assigned a deadline? If so, please share.