I survived. We made it home from our Disneyland trip with some silly stories and tired feet but none the worse for wear.
The question "How many more minutes?" was asked at least two hundred times from my 4 and 5 year-olds during the drive there and back. Our go-to answer, since they are still fuzzy on the whole concept of 'time', is figured out in Tom and Jerry episodes. Since each one is 30 minutes long we are able to say "10 Tom and Jerry's" which gives them some idea that we still have a long way to go.
Regardless of the drive, we had a very fun family trip. Here are some of our pictures:

Getting ready to head to the park on a rainy day.

Our first meltdown, only five minutes after entering the park. Ava didn't want her picture taken in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

Yay for Dumbo! We went on this ride after all three of the kids cried on Snow White's Adventure.

Ava took pictures with many characters. Cody refused...but "I'm not scared, I just don't want to. Don't you get it?" He asked us when we questioned him.

Standing in the long lines. This line was for Alice in Wonderland.

Thank goodness for Disneyland strollers. Lexie loved looking around and relaxing while the rest of us walked for miles.

The one character Cody would take a picture with...probably because it was just a statue. Lightning McQueen is his ultimate favorite.

Getting ready to go into the 3D Bugs Life show. They warned us that younger kids may get scared so we needed to sit near the exit. Right on cue, Cody lost it when a giant tarantula dropped from the ceiling. Lexie lost it when that same tarantula started throwing bombs at the crowd. And Ava lost it when a stink bug sprayed what a stink bug sprays, in her face. We used the exit and only caught about 5 minutes of the show.

Does anyone know who Duffy is? I wasn't sure but Ava wanted to take a picture with him, so we did.

My husband loves rollercoasters. I do not. He was brave enough to go on Screamin' by himself.

Chris took this picture during our Finding Nemo underwater experience. Again, the kids got very worried when they saw Bruce, the pretend shark in the water.

The best part of Ava's trip: meeting and hugging her favorite princess, Ariel.

One of the best parts of my trip: watching my son blush deep red when the beautiful Cinderella wanted a picture with him.

Having breakfast before our long drive home. The happy faces you see here lasted for only about two hours.
Rides and amusement parks are a funny thing to me. I don't personally understand the thrill rides or the desire to scare yourself silly but I can't deny that most people like them. Are you one that enjoys the crazy rides or do you prefer the safer ones? What makes you like one over the other?