I really wish I wasn't, but that annoying trait is deeply ingrained on my DNA.
Most days, as I'm crawling into bed for the evening, I'm left thinking, "I really should have gotten XYZ done today." Which then propels me to beg God to help me change my procrastinating ways.
Enter really cool book! I stumbled upon 31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae on my Kindle the other night. I'm a sucker for checklists and homework assignments so I immediately downloaded this book and flipped through the digital pages.
While the book is geared towards getting your home in order and defining why that's important to you as a Christian woman, I've found many of the tips or suggestions useful in other areas too.
Particularly, something called The Six List. (Have you heard of this?) In a nutshell, every night before bed you write a to-do list with only six items on it that you HAVE to accomplish the next day. Then you prioritize them from 1-6, listing your most urgent task first.
The next morning you systematically work through your list WITHOUT skipping around. So you complete task 1 first. Then task 2. And so on. Whatever you don't complete that day gets immediately moved to the number 1 spot for the following day.
As the story goes, this trick worked so well in increasing a company's productivity that the owner mailed a check for $25,000 to the gentleman that shared this tip for free.
(I apologize for the vague story. I can't remember their names and frankly, I'm too lazy to Google it right now.)
But the fact remains that this system supposedly makes a huge difference. So I'm giving it a go in our home and with my writing. I'll keep you all posted.
Talk to me: Have you heard of this technique before? Do you utilize something similar? Are you a procrastinator? When do you find you're most productive?